Wild siblings

Why should one be ever tensed of the future, something which is yet to happen?
Pretension indicates high expectations from the unseen reality. Expectations arise from deep rooted attachment, attachment to the perishable to a high extent to oneself.. The feeling of possession brings about a surge of vices to overpower one. The intellect is no longer functional.

Predicting the future is very much connected to Pride. This is because it relates to oneself. Thoughts like : 'My future', 'My luck', 'I will get...', etc are nothing but the result of great attachment to oneself. This is pride. It lays the foundation for the tree of pride to sprout. Anticipating is a distorted outcome of attachment/pride. It drowns man in the ocean of selfishness as one is obsessed by his expectations and future! His basis of expectation itself will bring downfall to him.

Because he depends on the unseen and unreliable time! Thus, the two siblings Pretension and Pride pave way towards devastation for man.


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