Sweet words are poisonous.

Men with sweet words are the most poisonous. This is because excess of sweetness (or anything else), leads to a disaster. People who have learnt the art of winning minds with sweet words are driven by the mind to accomplish their self- centric goals. This is because, even though man does not mean what he says, he simply says it. This is flattery. It is an art of fooling others conveniently to achieve the purpose.

The projection of the world is always contrasting to what they are. This indicates the everlasting craving for happiness. Also it means that man has not reached the state of enjoyment. Or perhaps his mental speculation of happiness always seems unreachable. This is the reason we see, people around slogging day and night to achieve their goals which is supposed to be the source of happiness.

On the path lead by the mind, in the pursuit of happiness draws untruth to walk in parallel. This is the first mistake. We use unfair means to accomplish our goals. Our soul, which is happiness personified, gets wounded by untruth. This causes man internal restlessness.

But, he is yet not able to grasp this science. As a result, he continues using sweet words to fool the world around just because he thinks that this is the source of happiness.


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