Why good people become bad?

It is very hard too find people with genuine intentions. As something is better than nothing good people are better than bad. However, we do find contrasting shades among such people too. Their colours change as per the situations they encounter. This means that their mind is functional in the material aspect. Mind compels one to accept Good and Evil 'masks' to our convenience. When man has no principles to follow, he ends up falling prey to the mind.

The mind itself has no direction, so abiding it will land man nowhere. Good people can never turn evil. This is because true goodness is achieved through following the principles of truth. A man of truth can never be overturned or ruled by the mind. Evil perishes in the light of truth and Goodness is achieved. Thus, true goodness is a ray of the divine. On the other hand, we see people turn evil!

We should know that true goodness is not a mask. In the world the so called good people are the most evil. They are opportunists. Due to the mind, they wear a mask of goodness which is rooted in evil. They pretend to be good to achieve their selfish motives. This is evil indeed. Because they achieve their dreams by means of deception. 
So, true goodness can never turn evil as it itself means devoid evil.


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