Faith and Belief

Faith unlike belief is an expression of permanence, emanating from the soul. Belief stems from the perception of the mind while faith is an innate nature of the soul. Therefore, there remains no room for doubt when faith fills in. Both faith and belief may seem synonymous but they aren't. They cannot co-exist. When one believes in something or someone, that belief is temporary.

In other words, that belief can turn into doubt. In fact, if one believes it is just to invite the doubt. There is no assurance in any relationship, career, or life for that matter as, belief lays as the foundation. When there is a trace of skepticism, there remains no transparency. Thus, faith is far away. The very identity of faith is marked by the absence of doubt.

When we hear people say I lost faith, we must understand that has got his definitions wrong! Such an individual is entangled in his belief system and as a result he has never known faith. Faith can only be experienced after all beliefs shatter, doubts vanquish.


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