Manu & Shatarupa (Boon and Grace)- Part-2
On having the vision of the divine couple, Manu and Shatarupa also feasted their eyes endearingly on Srimati Sitadevi's countenance. Understanding the heart of His dear devotees, the Lord continued, "The one who stands by my side is my better half, Adishakti, the Mother of the universe. She is the creative force who has given rise to this phenomenal world. When I appear as your son, even Srimati Sita will incarnate." Saying so, the kind Lord and the Universal mother disappeared.
We, as devotees of the Supreme Lord, commit ourselves to the knowledge of mother Sita, whose description as the mother of the universe at the time of His appearance as the Lord of Manu and Shatarupa was quite different as compared to the mother's appearance as the daughter of King Janaka.
Emperor Manu had not imagined at the time of boon-seeking to expect the blessing of a daughter-in-law in the form of mother Sita; however the Lord also solved the futuristic worry of Emperor Manu of getting Him married, by arranging a daughter-in-law for Manu in the form of mother Sita, thus saving the labor of seeking a bride for the Lord in the future.
We, as devotees of the Supreme Lord, commit ourselves to the knowledge of mother Sita, whose description as the mother of the universe at the time of His appearance as the Lord of Manu and Shatarupa was quite different as compared to the mother's appearance as the daughter of King Janaka.
Although the Lord introduced Srimati Sitadevi as "Maya" or His creative force, He knew the heart of his devotees, Manu and Shatarupa, who also wanted the presence of the Mother in their lives. In spite of categorically not asking for the mother's presence at the time of the advent of the Lord, the Supreme Lord promised the gift of the Mother of the universe at a time when He decided to incarnate in Manu's and Shatarupa's household.
The interesting part of Manu and Shatarupa's prayer was that they could not garner the courage to order the Lord to incarnate as their own child.
Instead, they chose to delegate a much tougher job to the Lord, of arranging a son for them who was just like the Lord. Understanding the intentions of his dear devotees Manu and Shatarupa, the Lord thought that instead of first creating a son who was just like Him and then inspiring him to take birth in the household of Manu and Shatarupa, it would be rather easier for Him alone to incarnate directly as the dear son of the couple. Thus, there is hidden humor in this whole event of boon seeking of Manu and Shatarupa.

This the Grace of Sri Rama, He grants more than what is asked. This is because he does not want his devotees to get agitated to the slightest. He arranges all the necessities for His devotees without their knowledge. The Bhaktas get rid of all worldly thoughts and tensions as he is looked after by the Lord of the universe. This makes it very clear, that surrendering to Sri Rama and seeking nothing else other than Him is the ultimate Goal of life.
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