Revealing Truth

Actually, there exists only truth. But, due to the projection of the conditioned mind and its presence, man has created a world of untruth. Once man realizes that his expectations, achievements and very existence is temporary and are the objects of sorrow, he embarks his journey towards truth. However, this realization does not dawn for many lifetimes as the mind subjugates the intellect.

When man ultimately decides to tread the path of truth he has to first step away from untruth. Because, it is the only path which caused his downfall and therefore he must consciously work towards erasing its traces from the consciousness. He has to forcefully adopt the practice of truth as his mind will revolt at first. But this is the only, fastest process that leads us to Truth. Once comfortable in this environment there remains no turmoil. Thus, man has to first apply his will. This is definitely a must for everyone, however the path that follows next is self-designed.

There will be external guidelines or road-maps to reach your destination, but none can lead you till the end. Man has to fetch his own path which will be supervised by the Lord. No definite, one-pointed path can lead you till the ultimate destination as man has been complex in nature.

He comprises multiple combinations of personalities, characteristics, behaviors which surely cannot be addressed by one path or guide (guru). To realize his inner nature, man has to relentlessly work towards achieving his destination through different mediums/ or paths where he will meet different guides. He has to remain sincere to the goal and not the people whom he meets on the journey. Man should remain conscious of the fact that the guide he meets is for a temporary phase, sent by God to cater his spiritual requirements. Each of them (guides) will help him realize his nature, thus peeling off ignorance to allow truth to emerge.


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