
When does one compete?
To answer this question we must understand the functioning of the mind.

Our mind is the creator of the world around us. It has experienced bot pleasant and unpleasant experiences with which it portrays the world to 'Us'. All minds are different for different people.

However, there is a common characteristic which makes mind what it is. That common characteristic is Ignorance. 
All of us due to ignorance, consider ourselves as a part of this world. We equate our goals with that of the world. 

Considering the illusory world to be the abode of reality and permanence makes us fools. Thus, fools take part in the activities of the world as they think, they belong to the world. This is the trick of the mind. We begin to compete with the world to feel superior, but it all goes with time.
Today we talk of great personalities, but the future generations will have their own set of great personalities.

At that time, the former is no longer remembered for his work and is counted as a common man.


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