Found the way out of negativity!

Only when we associate ourselves with our emotions and actions do we realize our existence. The driving factor of this incorrigible and spontaneous phenomenon is our mind. When we take ownership of our thoughts,  generated by our mind we get susceptible to the sorrows and happiness presented by material life. Thus, becoming conscious of our thoughts we realize that we are separate from them. They are not a part of us but they are trying to become a part of us. They succeed in their endeavors the moment we associate with them. Introspecting our thoughts, lights up our dark mind, making way for reality. Mind is not a part of this 'self' and hence it is apart from our existence.

We can stop this cycle of the mind by surrendering them to God and by leaving it to His will alone. Constantly becoming the observer of the mind is an effective method to get rid of this contamination. Purification of the mind through the method of surrendering is the fastest and easiest way as it eradicates the very basis of contamination (i.e), ownership. 


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