Prayer or Bribery

Sincere prayer is true prayer. This is what captivates the Lord's attention. People may chant the Lord's name for  years but no refinement is traced in their attitude or approach towards life. This is because their intention towards prayer is not genuine. They have never prayed! Such individuals are selfish and try to strike a deal with God. Such deals go in the domain of Maya devi.

She tests the intentions of the seeker and if genuine hands him over to the master. If not she blesses him with the sorrows and comforts of life according to the fruits of his karma. Thus God pays heed to sincere prayers only and hands over the rest under the supervision of Maya Devi.
Genuine prayers are identified by the degree of submission.

One should pray for the strength of renouncing the sense of ownership. This is the most essential part of Sadhana. We should disown our very selves and surrender unto Him. Plead to Him for His protection. Now, the ones who misinterpret chanting of mantras to be beneficial for material well being come under the category of ignorant men. Maya investigates such beings and God does not interfere in their transactions.


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