Why do I feel cheated?

It may seem a nightmare when you realize that the your loved ones are no more the same. It may be either your friend, spouse, children or other relatives. Your confidence in them has drastically reduced. Why now, today your loved ones seem alien to you?
The answer may be vague, perhaps a mix of emotions.
Any change we perceive in the world is a result of the mental makeup of oneself and the other. Your interaction with your loved ones was determined on the basis of your mental framework which may be contrasting to your present mental framework.

We find ourselves in a dilemma when things don't workout the way we expect it to be. Nothing seems to work. Our confidence is battered every time we try to rebuild it.

Emotions of faith in the other, trust, love, sympathy, etc are all temporary as the mental framework of our mind is clutched in the wheel of time, which spins without break. These emotions can be replaced with their opposites with changing time!

Our mind carries the impressions and loads of instincts from not this birth but the infinite past births we have taken. Thus, we can never be confident of the other as we ourselves undergo changes. The external is a mere reflection of the internal.
We dynamically change moment to moment. This change is bound to the vasanas (instincts) that sprout up. Our inner realm is effected by these instincts which makes one lose confidence on the other. This is because, the other was an extension of your previous set of vasanas or instincts.

To experience peace in any relation one must stop expecting from the other as expectations stunt the evolutionary process creating another set of vrittis (thoughts). This cycle continues endlessly compelling us to take birth after birth just to undergo the result of those vrittis you created (from expecting) in your previous lifetimes.

This is the key, let go your confidence in the other. Do not form any.


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