Generosity: Today's Market

Generosity is a big market today. We see generous people on-screen. If we look deeper within the psyche of the so-called generous people we come to a different conclusion. Generosity is a medium through which people earn their bread and butter. Being thus, makes one feel important in society. This fans their ego as crowds follow them. Their stories go for a hit. They become role models for others, but morally remain zero.

Because their very intention is to 'buy' the crowd. They do not donate to serve the nation or society but to have their grip on it. Such people use the weapon of generosity to wound the self-esteem of others. They have the material luxuries in their favor due to which people begin to follow them. This is the peaks of hypocrisy where neither the leader nor the followers seek to reform society. All are driven by their selfish motives. The leader is the greatest of all crooks as he knowingly purchases the self esteem of others. While the followers are fools, as they see nothing other than their aspirations. They are unaware of the fact that they are mere slaves.


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