Nobody loves !!!

Love is a mere imagination. It is a hype created by the mind. Nobody, truly loves the other. In fact, it is a facade to impress the other. This impression created helps the other to satisfy their instincts with ease. Love comes and goes with time and age. It is a temporary phase, a play of the hormones. It has got nothing to do with the internal realm of emotions as this emotion leads to satisfying the body. Our heart knows no love of this sort. It is designed to remain in the devotional service  of God.

It knows the path of devotion or unconditional love. This emotion is of a very high kind and is unseen in this world.
Thus, by talking about love, we waste lifetimes. Every birth we love somebody as we bear a body. Thus, for sense gratification, we chant 'love, love...'

True love signifies union while the love we talk about ends right after satisfying our senses. It is no true love, because separation follows it, death being the ultimate reality.


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