Where does life place you?

Fame and fortune are the luxuries of a material man where as a spiritual man is identified with the luxuries of the Lord Himself. In the material world, one has to toil hard to attain success which floods one with fame and fortune. However, this is a temporary phase in one's life. This sentence is esoteric.

Fame and fortune is the glamour that captivates the attention of the mind. It is the maze which seems very compelling but it is designed to make one a captive. One gets mesmerized by the comforts of material life and thus gets estranged from his true goal.  Thus, lifetimes after lifetimes, we take birth to relish this temporary happiness on a permanent basis. But, it is a known fact, that like changing seasons, a happy man can be deserted and be left alone with sorrow. Like day is bright, night is dark. Thus, this momentary happiness should not be mistaken for the everlasting joy that lies within ourselves, that emanates from our soul.

Millions of lifetimes have gone in vain in the pursuit of permanent fame and fortune. This stage of attraction to matter, clearly indicates that we have not yet matured to realize the truth of life. Thus, immature beings who live for 'fame' have not even begun their journey towards permanence as they have been mesmerized by the wealth of Laxmi who sits on the owl. On the other hand spiritual beings attract Vishnu who brings along his servitor Laxmi devi who is seen serving the Lord.
Vishnu is the only wealth and Laxmi devi serves the devotees to serve Him (Visnhu). 


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