
Individuality ceases to exist when the soul takes charges of the individual. No-mindness follows this state of consciousness. When one is connected with the absolute truth there remains no separation from it. We become so identified with the universal form of existence that, attachment to a specific body we bear fades away. We no longer are possessive ourselves and thus view the world with a vision of equanimity.

When the individual identification like: I am feeling, I am thinking, My family, My life, my idea, opinion etc, no longer drives one's life he transcends the plane of mundane life. His mind is muted because of which the full-minded people (ignorant people) consider the former to be mad or sick. Our scriptures call such enlightened beings as Avadhuta, the one who has renounced all worldly attachments. Such individuals cannot be termed as 'individual' as the sense of individuality is absent.

Thus, their existence (as viewed by material beings) is nothing more than a living corpse. Because they lack the essence of materialism which drives the world of illusion or Maya.


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