Don't enter the domain of material forces ...

There is only one reality, Truth or the Supreme Absolute. This reality branches into another form, the cause behind the creation of this material world. This form is called Prakriti and another term for the Supreme absolute is Purusha.
Thus Prakriti and Purusha are the creators of this world. Prakriti the material force giving rise to millions of illusory worlds and is in charge of its maintenance. Thus Prakriti is all powerful.

When we try to change the world, (in this context light the world), we enter into the domain of Prakriti. Our foolishness instigates us to make our presence felt in the world. Through our teachings and ideologies, we try to light up the world with the spark of our Knowledge. But instead we have risked ourselves completely by trying to intervene in the ways of Prakriti. This is the mode of competition, which Prakriti heartily welcomes, just to screw us. The furious form of Prakriti, gulps our microscopic spark of ego, knowledge, pride, etc. We have chosen to compete and thus Prakriti wears a fury form, that of a competitor.

Her form is like burning fire and we are not even close to heat. If we try to intervene in the ways of the world we shall encounter this furious form of Prakriti which can turn as to ashes. We can never be as powerful and better than Prakriti, as she is the controller of this entire material creation in which we too form a part.


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