Dangerous people

Opportunists are great actors. All of us have acting skills but opportunists possess unique acting skills sprouting from their distorted mind. Unlike normal individuals who follow some discipline in life, opportunists follow no discipline. However, they may seem to live a disciplined and moral life. But do not forget, they are great actors! They can easily change their masks, from good to bad and from kind to unkind with time, place and circumstance. They have lost themselves to their requirements and have taken up acting as a mechanism to create situations to satisfy their needs.

With no genuine intentions, man can only bear ill intentions. Where one does not have intentions of caring for the other, he can cause only harm to others. These are a bunch of characteristics of an opportunist. But these are just a very little to describe them.

We must be cautious of such people because through mere associating with them we can lose all our spiritual potential. Especially if you are a beginner in Sadhana. Because they have the potential to mesmerize you not through words but through their act. You may feel that they are genuine and there you fail miserably.

Never forget that they have the illusory forces on their side. You want to get rid of this very force (illusory). One wrong step and you will fail. So first and foremost, avoid the association of all worldly people as opportunism has become an epidemic.


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