Cause of Problems

The people who lack the power of discrimination (between the real or unreal) are fools. These are the ignorant beings of the world. Fools are oblivious of the reality and want to remain in their comfort zone. To function, they go by commands of others. This makes them dependent on the world for their mere survival. On the other hand, wise men are the ones empowered with spiritual knowledge and discipline.

They have been gifted with clarity. Thus, they are in command. They can control themselves as they tread the path of truth and are aware of the reality. They can face the most unpleasant truth which ignorant beings cannot. This makes them extremely knowledgeable as they have experienced the field beyond the reach of ignorant beings. They tear the garb of ignorance and transcend to the highest reality. They know the science of the human mind which ignorant beings deny to accept. This is indeed mournful that fools help fools and the wise are not approached for advice. The result lands them in great troubles as they continue to seek from fools, they themselves being the greatest of all fools.

Fools mistake ignorance for knowledge, that is the problem in the world today.


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