Material and Spiritual Man

Every person has his own set of insecurities and fear. In order to assure safety, the mind propels one to get into the world. This refers to a job for financial security which contributes to mental well being. So, man works to get money for himself and maintain his family. Thus, we are expecting the results before we are at the task. This marks a high state of ignorance, where the mind has subdued the intellect.

A man in this state is no less than a machine which blindly follows the instructions of the user (or the mind). Where man is supposed to be the controller of the mind, the mind is controlling man. This is the characteristic of a material man.

On the other hand, a spiritual man is driven by the will of God. He remains in a state of equilibrium due to the disconnection of the mind from his system. He remains unaffected by the so-called miseries, as perceived by worldly men. Because of his risen consciousness he is successful is identifying and eradicating the source of all problems,the mind. He works not with any expectation of result as he knows that God is in charge. He realizes the nature of the work he does, with the vision of God. He uses it as a medium to attain the Lord.

This intention towards action is that of a karma yogi. Thus, every material action for him, is spiritual. Through his actions he transcends to the next stage of realization. He is beyond the trivial insecurities and fear of man as he is under the care of 'Purusha Himself' (Supreme Absolute and controller).


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