Discrimination In Spirituality.

Discrimination is the only mechanism through which the source can be known. 'Source' refers to the universal consciousness that is present within every individual. This can be invoked within oneself through meditation and other spiritual disciplines. Once invoked, the mystery of human behavior and nature is revealed. The material forces come under such an individual's control as he has used his discrimination power effectively. 

The universal consciousness guides him across all hurdles of life. Thus, only when the universal consciousness is awakened the sense of discrimination (between Real, God and Unreal, matter) is possible. Because the fragile and ill designed worldly beings are devoid of this consciousness, the enlightened effortlessly discriminates himself from them. It is very much visible to him that the ordinary man is not of his kind. Discrimination becomes the basis of living, effortless and spontaneous. This ease is due to his immense absorption in the supreme consciousness, which is the master mind behind the creation he lives in.


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