Nature of successful people.

We often hear successful people talking about their journey towards success. They share their hardships and perhaps exaggerate their happy and sad moments. Successful people are full of themselves. Their mind is cluttered with their own stories, ideas and beliefs. So even when they talk, they have nothing but themselves to talk about.

Their mind is in charge of their acts. Thus, they glorify themselves and try to knock out others. This makes them susceptible to the six vices. Under the effect of the six vices one is compelled to tread on the wrong path. Pride is the most prevalent among these ignorant beings. Due to this, one divides people into groups. The basis of this bifurcation is based on status, reputation, wealth, fame, etc.

Thus, their decisions depend on people like themselves. In other words, they are surrounded by people of their kind. They bar insight. Overpowered by pride, they ill treat others. They consider others inferior and hold themselves at a higher pedestal. An abstract expression of this statement: Successful people try keeping others under their feet. This is the cause of their downfall in the inner world.


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