Want to come out of Problems?

God and the world can termed as opposites. When God is the subject, world becomes the object or when God is divine, the world is thoroughly mundane. In fact there exists only these two realities, God and World, where God is spiritual and the world is material.
God and the world can never go hand in hand just like night cannot approach day.

Either day has to make way for night or the other way round. Both cannot be experienced together. Thus, only one has significance for man.

Similarly, one practicing spirituality a sadhaka must be extremely conscious of the illusory world around. He must never give up his spiritual discipline at any cost. Every material circumstance is the projection of the mundane mind which is the weapon used by Maya devi to deviate one from the goal. One must be steadfast and realize that God is the master and the world, (which includes us) is the servant.

Just like: The man outside the well can only help the one who is stuck inside it.... Only God, who is the Supreme Brahman can free one from the shackles of Maya.


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