How to rise awareness?

Memories compel us to drift away in the past, leaving are present in a fix. Memories of unity are compared with the distance today and joyous days with the sorrows. We tend to forget that those days never existed as they are not now. We cannot live it now. It is past, come and gone. Our mind is brutal as it on purpose wounds us by giving us a glimpse of the past. We cannot live our present while our mind is in the past. We are identified with the mind. Thus, living means to draw the mind from the past to the present or alter the mind. When the mind is stuck in the past how can we probably cure it? To get rid of the mind, we must fix our mind in the present to gradually rise our awareness.

Awareness is the only tool that helps pierce the effect of the past. This is because it includes constant and conscious questioning or introspection. Questions like: " Who is thinking?", "Why am I thinking about this at this moment?", " Was the moment that intense when it occurred?", etc prop up as the Sadhana continues. With consciousness awakened we must soon realize that the observer observing the thoughts is you the soul and the object or source of thoughts is the mind.

As the practice of living in the present continues the soul emerges as live. It will empower one to stay steadfast in the spiritual discipline and continue it. At this stage the mind grows restless as it loses its grip over you. The soul takes over. This drives the mind mad, bringing in a surge of thoughts rooted in the past, moment after moment. Now, this is the test point. We must use our discriminating power developed over a prolonged period of Sadhana to abate the effect of the mind.

Our soul will be a constant companion on this pursuit. Then a realization will dawn that the past never existed and it was the play of the mind. Present is the ultimate reality. Such a state of no-mindness is the state of enlightenment where traces of the past cease to exist.

This state is priceless attained after vigorous sadhana and spiritual discipline where consistency is a must. 


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