The Science of Charity

Only the wise donates. Many people wonder that -  'How can giving away possibly add to growth?'
Well, charity is highly scientific. It is done on the gross plane but benefits the subtle planes of consciousness. In the physical plane it might seem as loss but the wise realizes that it is a profitable transaction. He knows that it is the well being of the subtle plane that brings joy to life.

What you donate does not matter. It is just the act and intention that matters. Donating means giving away something valuable and taking back energy. When you donate in the gross world, it cleans up your subtle layers. It cleanses your thoughts as you are donating a part of your consciousness. The money you donate is deeply connected with your subtle planes. A lot of emotion, energy and thought is attached to it. Thus, what you donate is not the object, but the emotion attached to that object. In return you fill in the space with the blessings of the receiver (positivity).

Precisely, negativity is donated and positive energy is acquired.

As said before, only the wise can donate. Because, he is capable of parting away with negativity and in return he welcomes positive energy.

On the other hand, fools stack articles for years calling it 'sweet memories'. Foolish indeed, as they are unable to realize it is not memories but negativity personified. The same sweet memory becomes a living nightmare in future. This is a pre-destined 'law of nature' for fools.


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