Attention is the key.

We have never paid attention to life. Instead we continue to commit errors after errors. This highlights our frivolous approach towards life. Seeking to know the root of all problems has never been our priority instead we hold solutions as our priorities. It is just like :-

Inviting infected cancerous cells to multiply within our body. Our mind is infecting our perception of Life. It governs us to such an extent that we have lost our ability to look at life with our own vision. We use the lens of the mind for everything.

Mind is like that child which gets fascinated by the effulgence of fire and then crawls up to touch it. BUT its mother clasps him back. Why?
Because she knows that fire sees no difference between an adult or a child. It knows only to burn.
Every time the mother explains the child not to go next to the fire, the latter chooses to refuse. Then the helpless mother can do nothing to protect the child in her absence. Thus, she lets the child to pursue his desire.

Life is similar. We are the impudent child which wants to experience fire. Life is fire itself and the mother is God. Just like the mother is protective about the child, God is protective about  us.  But our disobedience compels us to estrange from God and get into the fire of the world. It is assured that now... we have to turn into ashes as the world (Maya) sees no difference between the millions of inattentive people.
There is time yet. Follow the path of God by following His words (truth) before the fire of the world comes racing to gulp you.


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