Wealth brings sorrow.

Stealth is the cheating tendency born out of the union of fear (of the (future) and traces of memory (of the past). The rich fear loss of wealth, business, etc, with which they are highly identified. Their wealth is synonymous to their existence. This propels one to adopt cheating for defense. The fear of losing wealth brings about pessimistic thoughts which drive one on the wrong path.

This lands up one to unite with the vices such as greed, attachment and pride. Cheating to secure oneself irrespective of the loss caused to the other, becomes one's only goal. Selfishness is the foundation of their transactions. Fearing the loss of wealth, one cheats to accumulate more wealth in order to pacify the chattering mind. Our brutal approach towards people to satisfy our unethical motives layer up in our subconscious planes. These pile up and once gone overboard fructify in reality.

They cause immense pain like: accidental loss of wealth or other objects of attachment and assets of pride. They shatter one's life by the tidal thoughts of fear with double force. Living becomes a curse as wealth is lost and stealth abandons you. One no longer has the ability to cheat but is only capable to undergo the effects of their ill-actions. They are no longer wealthy but in the memory of it they try to ignite their cheating tendency which throws them in the ever-changing cycle of profits and losses. 


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