Significance of the Meditative and Tandava Pose of Lord Shiva

The mayic (illusory) force of energy is controlled by Lord Shiva. He is the husband of Maya Devi. He is perfect example of how man can live in the true world (spiritual) even when living on this illusory plane. We see many of Lord Shiva's paintings, in most of which He is shown either meditating or  Tandava pose. These are the two extreme forms of the Lord. They are highly significant and have many other interpretations as well. One of the interpretations when comparing these two forms hold relevance to the inner space of man.

God has gifted man with immense potency. However, this potency is concealed by the veil of Lord Shiva's consort, Maya Devi. She is dutifully serving her husband. The job of Maya Devi is to serve her husband. Thus, she devotedly safeguards the meditative pose of Lord Shiva. In this state, Lord Shiva is in a state of Union. God is incomplete without his devotees. To be full thus, He maintains the well being of His loved devotees. In other words, he connects to his devotees in the state of meditation. In the other contrasting pose, or the Tandav pose, Lord Shiva bears the mood of the universal protector or guardian. He accompanied by Maya devi celebrates the destruction of the material world to make way for the evolutionary process of man. Being in his ever merciful form, he destroys the old to bring new to existence.

The meditative pose sets an example of how man can remain connected with Him even when in Maya as He is the closest to Her (Maya being His wife). This pose ensures devotees, that He is ever available for them. He is constantly absorbed in that mood just to remain with His devotees. Also, it signifies that Maya dare not harm His devotees who serve the Lord whom She Herself serves. This teaches man to remain patient when tackling with material situations but... what about the tandava pose?

The tandava pose represents the immense potency of man's FREE-WILL. This is when the material situations go overboard. The devotee is granted free-will where he can invoke the will of God. This transmits the power of Lord Shiva's Tandava into the seeker.

Thus, with the power of God, he fears nobody... neither his relatives nor the society as he is charged with the power of the source of one who is feared by all, the Lord Himself.


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