Know the language of the Soul

Language here (in this quote) bears an esoteric meaning. It refers to the transmission of energy, simply through words. The words of mystics and saints in ancient India had immense potency to shed the layers of ignorance of their seekers. They could rise the level of consciousness through words of wisdom. Each word uttered if accepted in a humble manner could at once transform an individual.

Such is the potency of enlightened masters. This was possible because they had evoked the super consciousness within themselves which in turn illumines their surroundings, the people around, objects, etc. Their words were out of realization, narrated by the soul. These words bring about dramatic changes on one's subtle and causal planes of a seeker.

When one associates with an enlightened master he gains spiritually as one lets the words of the soul absorb and work with  oneself. Only if one speaks thus can there be a transformation in an individual. This is the language of the soul which sparks from the ultimate reality unraveling the highest reality for one.


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