Essence of Spirituality.

Spirituality is extremely selective unlike other fields where compromises can be made. It is the domain of truth where no relations or recommendations lay as foundations. It can be assimilated by those who are willing to accept this idea of individualistic as material or devilish. This science can only be understood, if experienced. Precisely, to follow spirituality one must forsake their individualism and surrender unto God completely. Accepting this truth can fuel one's spiritual path that leads to experience this truth in reality. Only when experienced can one taste the essence of spirituality. 

Just like: Honey cannot be relished by its mere description as the description itself is based on the experience or taste of (honey) that is sweetness. Sweetness cannot be described even after having tasted it. It is an experience. But, in a diseased condition one is even unable to experience honey or its essence (sweetness)
Similarly, the individualistic 'I' the 'EGO' is the diseased self which veils the soul (true self), its nature being ever blissful. 

Such a patient needs treatment to be able to relish the honey as before. We bear the spiritual life within but due to our diseased condition (that is being highly individualistic and deluded by ignorance) we are unable to relish that life within which is bliss incarnate. Thus, by adopting spiritual practice, one can then only be able to experience and live the essence of spirituality.


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