Live a Truthful Life But...

Truth is the building block of one's true character. Our reality lies in truth and excavating it is spirituality. This is the journey towards our 'self ', which is ever joyful in nature unlike the self we are at present. Today, we float with the fluctuating waves of happiness and sorrow of the world. This is an unchanging cycle that has continued since lifetimes together. This world is trying to make the permanent (soul) a captive in the clutches of impermanence (mind and world)
However, this is impossible.

We can understand this through pure logic. Just thinks as to how can the perishable perish the imperishable? This is not possible as the 'perishable' perishes while the 'imperishable' exists even after the former perishes. This proves the world to be a lie.

When the imperishable, (truth) battles with the world which is impermanent, certainly truth triumphs. This is a confidential matter, grasped only by a few. Propagating the permanence of life or truth to the impermanent world is a waste of time. Just like: Only the wise can understand the fool completely as he knows that the fool too claims to understand him. But the fool is unaware of the fact that the wise has understood his misunderstanding.

Similarly, wisdom lies in living a truthful life and not preaching it to the foolish world. Because the world makes a mistake by claiming to understand the truth, it itself being false.


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