
Showing posts from October, 2019

Is Technology Good For Spirituality?

Technology has its drawbacks, not by itself but due to us. Because it can do no harm if one seeks it with the right intention. Even matter has life. Although it is inefficient to express it, it does have consciousness. Let us understand this in depth For example: Technology is a wide platform that serves as a medium, different for different people. A business man can use technology for promoting or advertising while a student can use it for educational purposes. In other words, technology is a mere instrument that reflects our intentions or ideas. It presents us with only those avenues which suits us the most. It thus reciprocates by presenting a field suitable for us. Technology can be used to our favor only if we are focused and bear the right motive. If we use it as a source of entertainment we shall be presented with the dark world. Thus, it being matter can be used to enhance our inner abilities or otherwise. Technology has done wonders! It has widened the reach of spiritu...

Nature: Our Mother

It is a known fact that we can hear only when we are silent. Nature is our mother and we are her children. As a dutiful mother she has a lot to teach us about life. But, we are impudent as ever. We choose to neglect her advice in all stages of life, considering that our choices are the best and relevant to time. There are different stages in one's life where nature and time are constant companions. Whatever is within the field of human experience is nature's gift. Be it happiness or sorrow, I call it a gift as it is a lesson for us. We must learn about life from the different experiences or lessons nature presents. For this silence is crucial as mentioned earlier. Being a good listener can only allow awareness to dawn upon us. Only when we become conscious of our mental framework, mind and our surroundings can nature communicate with us. This state is the wire of contact between the two of us, nature and humans. Nature is also a great teacher. She presents us with live e...

Devotion: "Tame your mind".

Our mind has accompanied us in all our past lives. It stores all impressions we have perceived and accepted so far.  When we progress in our evolutionary process we adopt spirituality. Here we find the mind as the biggest hurdle. It disallows one to concentrate on pure thoughts and compels one to ruminate over past experiences. Concentration level depletes leading to disinclination for spiritual practices. Many a times we abide by the mind in order to shun it but remember this is the trend we followed for several lifetimes. Do not again repeat the mistakes, learn from it. When the mind is forced to do a particular action it revolts. But we must tame it. We have a strong emotional bonding with people or matter. This tool can be used to our favor. The mind easily relates to people or things as it has attached itself or has invested some part of its energy in the one separate from it. In other words it has extended its reach apart from itself. Emotional bonding is established for...

Which is the best art?

Channeling refers to connecting with our higher self or the 'Param Atman'. However, this is not as easy as it seems. Thus, here it is called as an art. Anything to be termed art is a result of deliberation, discipline and perseverance. A combination of these along with consistency gives rise to the finest of art pieces. Yes! Spirituality is a summum bonum of all these qualities. Though there are other factors contributing to this, these qualities aid in channelizing oneself. It is a tough job! Creativity can only flow through when your spirit is in contact with you. It requires one to thence take up spirituality. Art is inconceivable in the true sense. What we call art today is just an imitation. In fact, true art cannot be appreciated by the other or shared with someone else. It is a personal liking. A preference close to your soul, which one very well knows the world disregards. Hence, to develop this unique and supreme artwork, unseen by the world but the best among a...

War: Truth and Lies

We already know that the world is unreal. It is a illusion. It holds the same relevance as the world we perceive in a dream. In this built-in world of illusion, we have further trapped ourselves. 'Lies' cater to this. Indeed, lying is the easiest mechanism to escape reality. It creates another world in this unreal world. Alas! this is the basis of existence today. All of us have our own world to live. We use lies to our convenience, to achieve our worthless goals! When two ambitious men meet it is understood that they would talk from their fields of experience. And their experience is nothing but lies. They have breathed lies and lived lies. So, men of this caliber propagate their reality which is LIES. Ambition is born out of incessant practice of lying. Thus, today we are surrounded by the world of ambitious men, in other words, liars. As spiritual practitioners we must very well assimilate this truth of the world. Never believe the world as it is lies itself. Hold ont...

Why relationships fail?

Managing something or someone relates to separation. We can manage only those things or people who are apart from us. On the other hand relationship signifies a deep bond of understanding not t the physical platform but at an emotional platform. Thus, when putting the two terms 'relationship' and 'manage', we know that one loses relevance. Because, they are contradicting terms. Relationships today are led on the basis of management. The better you manage, your relationship benefits! This is the fallacy. All of us in the world try to equate contradictory emotions to get 'BENEFIT'. We try to manage things which are not meant to be managed. Because we expect more than what it is meant for. This is the foremost reason why most relationships fail. Managing a relationship, no longer remains a relationship. It is a transaction as no transparency remains. The motive of the relationship itself is threatened and hence ruined. Trust converts to insecurity and fear b...

Wild siblings

Why should one be ever tensed of the future, something which is yet to happen? Pretension indicates high expectations from the unseen reality. Expectations arise from deep rooted attachment, attachment to the perishable to a high extent to oneself.. The feeling of possession brings about a surge of vices to overpower one. The intellect is no longer functional. Predicting the future is very much connected to Pride. This is because it relates to oneself. Thoughts like : 'My future', 'My luck', 'I will get...', etc are nothing but the result of great attachment to oneself. This is pride. It lays the foundation for the tree of pride to sprout. Anticipating is a distorted outcome of attachment/pride. It drowns man in the ocean of selfishness as one is obsessed by his expectations and future! His basis of expectation itself will bring downfall to him. Because he depends on the unseen and unreliable time! Thus, the two siblings Pretension and Pride pave way t...

Original Idea !

Originality is the expression of the original. Only when the expression has not existed before your proposal. So, basically any idea can be claimed to be original only if it has not existed before. Now the question is: "Have your ideas existed before you expressing that idea?" Many people claim ownership of the idea, but the universal fact claims otherwise. No idea is original, the fact being that it has existed before you expressed it. The idea has already existed in the mind before you express it in the external world. The mind is incapable of giving you the complete idea of the original idea. The original idea emits from the origin. This is the seat of pure consciousness. The mind cannot possibly even think of assimilating the original idea. With its partial understanding it claims right over it! This is indeed the peaks of stealth. None of us are the benefactors of originality as our existence along with the mind is a repetitive imitation, continuing incessantly. It ...

Mind has no defect.

Everybody, is inflicted by the mind. But the intensity is different. When the disease of the mind manifests in the physical plane it is attributed as a mental disorder. This is perceptible only because it effects the other individuals. In the subconscious plane however, there is a similar turmoil, perhaps even more intense. There is constant war between the mind and soul. Everybody has a distorted mind which disturbs every one. But, as this phenomena is not expressed in the external plane we consider the chattering and turmoil within our mind to be normal. Just because everyone is sick we cannot claim that to be normal. But, this is the fact. Today, everybody is unconsciously living the disease of the mind and there lies the problem, it is considered to be natural! There is thus, no defect in the mind as it is the defect itself. How can we probably say that defect is the defect. It is just like finding the defect in cancer while in reality it itself is the defect.

Woman behind your success, the biggest Myth.

There is no predefined reason for why people believe so. However, this is a myth and a common coincidence. It has no basis. Scientifically, by the laws of Karma, any blessing or curse which man may perceive is the result of his own actions. There is nobody else but you yourself behind all the happenings. You may feel that your spouse, (wife) is behind your success because you have been trained to view situations from the worldly perspective. But, now view this same situation with a different lens. It is not because she came that you have become successful or happy. In fact, the happiness she experiences (temporary) is the result of her individual past actions and the same is valid for you too. You experience happiness because of your individual past actions. But, due the period of fructification, of both your actions coincide, you experience its results at the same time, together. Thus, it is your individual actions that brings you happiness and the same implies for her as well...

Dangerous people

Opportunists are great actors. All of us have acting skills but opportunists possess unique acting skills sprouting from their distorted mind. Unlike normal individuals who follow some discipline in life, opportunists follow no discipline. However, they may seem to live a disciplined and moral life. But do not forget, they are great actors! They can easily change their masks, from good to bad and from kind to unkind with time, place and circumstance. They have lost themselves to their requirements and have taken up acting as a mechanism to create situations to satisfy their needs. With no genuine intentions, man can only bear ill intentions . Where one does not have intentions of caring for the other, he can cause only harm to others. These are a bunch of characteristics of an opportunist. But these are just a very little to describe them. We must be cautious of such people because through mere associating with them we can lose all our spiritual potential. Especially if you are...

Prayer or Bribery

Sincere prayer is true prayer. This is what captivates the Lord's attention. People may chant the Lord's name for  years but no refinement is traced in their attitude or approach towards life. This is because their intention towards prayer is not genuine. They have never prayed! Such individuals are selfish and try to strike a deal with God. Such deals go in the domain of Maya devi. She tests the intentions of the seeker and if genuine hands him over to the master. If not she blesses him with the sorrows and comforts of life according to the fruits of his karma. Thus God pays heed to sincere prayers only and hands over the rest under the supervision of Maya Devi. Genuine prayers are identified by the degree of submission. One should pray for the strength of renouncing the sense of ownership. This is the most essential part of Sadhana. We should disown our very selves and surrender unto Him. Plead to Him for His protection. Now, the ones who misinterpret chanting of mant...

What is liberation?

Liberation literally means freedom. Freedom from the mind is true freedom. Liberation is the attainment of this state. The mind brings about differentiation, like: you and me, yours and mine, etc. But, there is no difference. The highly scientific spiritual process sheds light on this topic. In reality we aren't this body, we are a cluster of cells. But this is not the ultimate reality. It breaks down to molecules, atoms and so on. Ultimately the modern science has left us while they continue with their experiments. But, spirituality has always had answers for such questions as it is the creator of all sciences and is superior to them. Stating that: we are all made from one energy . Just like water is the same irrespective of the container its poured into. Similarly we all are emanations from the same energy. Now, just like scientists do experiments and work to reveal the reality, similarly liberated beings are the scientists who have already  revealed the truth of existen...

Faith and Belief

Faith unlike belief is an expression of permanence, emanating from the soul. Belief stems from the perception of the mind while faith is an innate nature of the soul. Therefore, there remains no room for doubt when faith fills in. Both faith and belief may seem synonymous but they aren't. They cannot co-exist. When one believes in something or someone, that belief is temporary. In other words, that belief can turn into doubt. In fact, if one believes it is just to invite the doubt. There is no assurance in any relationship, career, or life for that matter as, belief lays as the foundation. When there is a trace of skepticism, there remains no transparency. Thus, faith is far away. The very identity of faith is marked by the absence of doubt. When we hear people say I lost faith, we must understand that has got his definitions wrong! Such an individual is entangled in his belief system and as a result he has never known faith. Faith can only be experienced after all beliefs s...


Individuality ceases to exist when the soul takes charges of the individual. No-mindness follows this state of consciousness. When one is connected with the absolute truth there remains no separation from it. We become so identified with the universal form of existence that, attachment to a specific body we bear fades away. We no longer are possessive ourselves and thus view the world with a vision of equanimity. When the individual identification like: I am feeling, I am thinking, My family, My life, my idea, opinion etc, no longer drives one's life he transcends the plane of mundane life. His mind is muted because of which the full-minded people (ignorant people) consider the former to be mad or sick. Our scriptures call such enlightened beings as Avadhuta, the one who has renounced all worldly attachments. Such individuals cannot be termed as 'individual' as the sense of individuality is absent. Thus, their existence (as viewed by material beings) is nothing more ...

Start and End

Spirituality starts only after the end of the mind. The process of cleaning the mind is the preliminary stage. Man, thus requires to follow certain practices to break the patterns or habits formed by the mind. He has to go against the will of his mind to remain content. Only spirituality is the path which is opposed by the mind and the other paths or fields are the creations of the mind itself. Therefore, man must adopt spiritual discipline to attain maximum control of the mind. This is the most conducive process to kill the mind. However, it has been tough for everyone to reject the mind as it has maligned the consciousness to such an extent that existence without it may seem impossible. Spirituality is the process of breaking the process of the mind. The mind is attuned to create trail of thoughts,memories and impressions of a particular thought or activity performed. Spirituality terribly opposes this trend. Sticking to the definition of spirituality, if man takes up this...

Revealing Truth

Actually, there exists only truth. But, due to the projection of the conditioned mind and its presence, man has created a world of untruth. Once man realizes that his expectations, achievements and very existence is temporary and are the objects of sorrow, he embarks his journey towards truth. However, this realization does not dawn for many lifetimes as the mind subjugates the intellect. When man ultimately decides to tread the path of truth he has to first step away from untruth. Because, it is the only path which caused his downfall and therefore he must consciously work towards erasing its traces from the consciousness. He has to forcefully adopt the practice of truth as his mind will revolt at first. But this is the only, fastest process that leads us to Truth. Once comfortable in this environment there remains no turmoil. Thus, man has to first apply his will. This is definitely a must for everyone, however the path that follows next is self-designed. There will be ext...

Discrimination In Spirituality.

Discrimination is the only mechanism through which the source can be known. 'Source' refers to the universal consciousness that is present within every individual. This can be invoked within oneself through meditation and other spiritual disciplines. Once invoked, the mystery of human behavior and nature is revealed. The material forces come under such an individual's control as he has used his discrimination power effectively.  The universal consciousness guides him across all hurdles of life. Thus, only when the universal consciousness is awakened the sense of discrimination (between Real, God and Unreal, matter) is possible. Because the fragile and ill designed worldly beings are devoid of this consciousness, the enlightened effortlessly discriminates himself from them. It is very much visible to him that the ordinary man is not of his kind. Discrimination becomes the basis of living, effortless and spontaneous. This ease is due to his immense absorption in the supr...

Found the way out of negativity!

Only when we associate ourselves with our emotions and actions do we realize our existence. The driving factor of this incorrigible and spontaneous phenomenon is our mind. When we take ownership of our thoughts,  generated by our mind we get susceptible to the sorrows and happiness presented by material life. Thus, becoming conscious of our thoughts we realize that we are separate from them. They are not a part of us but they are trying to become a part of us. They succeed in their endeavors the moment we associate with them. Introspecting our thoughts, lights up our dark mind, making way for reality. Mind is not a part of this 'self' and hence it is apart from our existence. We can stop this cycle of the mind by surrendering them to God and by leaving it to His will alone. Constantly becoming the observer of the mind is an effective method to get rid of this contamination. Purification of the mind through the method of surrendering is the fastest and easiest way as it era...

Live a Truthful Life But...

Truth is the building block of one's true character . Our reality lies in truth and excavating it  is spirituality. This is the journey towards our 'self ' , which is ever joyful in nature unlike the self we are at present. Today, we float with the fluctuating waves of happiness and sorrow of the world. This is an unchanging cycle that has continued since lifetimes together. This world is trying to make the permanent (soul) a captive in the clutches of impermanence (mind and world) However, this is impossible. We can understand this through pure logic. Just thinks as to how can the perishable perish the imperishable?  This is not possible as the ' perishable' perishes while the 'imperishable' exists even after the former perishes. This proves the world to be a lie. When the imperishable, (truth) battles with the world which is impermanent, certainly truth triumphs. This is a confidential matter, grasped only by a few. Propagating the permanence of...

Wealth brings sorrow.

Stealth is the cheating tendency born out of the union of fear (of the (future) and traces of memory (of the past). The rich fear loss of wealth, business, etc, with which they are highly identified. Their wealth is synonymous to their existence. This propels one to adopt cheating for defense. The fear of losing wealth brings about pessimistic thoughts which drive one on the wrong path. This lands up one to unite with the vices such as greed, attachment and pride. Cheating to secure oneself irrespective of the loss caused to the other, becomes one's only goal. Selfishness is the foundation of their transactions. Fearing the loss of wealth, one cheats to accumulate more wealth in order to pacify the chattering mind. Our brutal approach towards people to satisfy our unethical motives layer up in our subconscious planes. These pile up and once gone overboard fructify in reality. They cause immense pain like: accidental loss of wealth or other objects of attachment and assets o...

Know the language of the Soul

Language here (in this quote) bears an esoteric meaning. It refers to the transmission of energy, simply through words. The words of mystics and saints in ancient India had immense potency to shed the layers of ignorance of their seekers. They could rise the level of consciousness through words of wisdom. Each word uttered if accepted in a humble manner could at once transform an individual. Such is the potency of enlightened masters. This was possible because they had evoked the super consciousness within themselves which in turn illumines their surroundings, the people around, objects, etc. Their words were out of realization, narrated by the soul. These words bring about dramatic changes on one's subtle and causal planes of a seeker. When one associates with an enlightened master he gains spiritually as one lets the words of the soul absorb and work with  oneself. Only if one speaks thus can there be a transformation in an individual. This is the language of the soul whic...

Essence of Spirituality.

Spirituality is extremely selective unlike other fields where compromises can be made. It is the domain of truth where no relations or recommendations lay as foundations. It can be assimilated by those who are willing to accept this idea of individualistic as material or devilish. This science can only be understood, if experienced. Precisely, to follow spirituality one must forsake their individualism and surrender unto God completely. Accepting this truth can fuel one's spiritual path that leads to experience this truth in reality . Only when experienced can one taste the essence of spirituality.  Just like: Honey cannot be relished by its mere description as the description itself is based on the experience or taste of (honey) that is sweetness. Sweetness cannot be described even after having tasted it. It is an experience. But, in a diseased condition one is even unable to experience honey or its essence (sweetness) Similarly, the individualistic 'I' the 'E...

How to rise awareness?

Memories compel us to drift away in the past, leaving are present in a fix. Memories of unity are compared with the distance today and joyous days with the sorrows. We tend to forget that those days never existed as they are not now. We cannot live it now. It is past, come and gone. Our mind is brutal as it on purpose wounds us by giving us a glimpse of the past. We cannot live our present while our mind is in the past. We are identified with the mind. Thus, living means to draw the mind from the past to the present or alter the mind. When the mind is stuck in the past how can we probably cure it? To get rid of the mind, we must fix our mind in the present to gradually rise our awareness. Awareness is the only tool that helps pierce the effect of the past. This is because it includes constant and conscious questioning or introspection. Questions like: " Who is thinking?", "Why am I thinking about this at this moment?", " Was the moment that intense when i...

Cause of Problems

The people who lack the power of discrimination (between the real or unreal) are fools. These are the ignorant beings of the world. Fools are oblivious of the reality and want to remain in their comfort zone. To function, they go by commands of others. This makes them dependent on the world for their mere survival. On the other hand, wise men are the ones empowered with spiritual knowledge and discipline. They have been gifted with clarity . Thus, they are in command . They can control themselves as they tread the path of truth and are aware of the reality. They can face the most unpleasant truth which ignorant beings cannot. This makes them extremely knowledgeable as they have experienced the field beyond the reach of ignorant beings. They tear the garb of ignorance and transcend to the highest reality. They know the science of the human mind which ignorant beings deny to accept. This is indeed mournful that fools help fools and the wise are not approached for advice. The res...

Why do I feel cheated?

It may seem a nightmare when you realize that the your loved ones are no more the same. It may be either your friend, spouse, children or other relatives. Your confidence in them has drastically reduced. Why now, today your loved ones seem alien to you? The answer may be vague, perhaps a mix of emotions. Any change we perceive in the world is a result of the mental makeup of oneself and the other. Your interaction with your loved ones was determined on the basis of your mental framework which may be contrasting to your present mental framework. We find ourselves in a dilemma when things don't workout the way we expect it to be. Nothing seems to work. Our confidence is battered every time we try to rebuild it. Emotions of faith in the other, trust, love, sympathy, etc are all temporary as the mental framework of our mind is clutched in the wheel of time, which spins without break. These emotions can be replaced with their opposites with changing time! Our mind carries the...

Significance of the Meditative and Tandava Pose of Lord Shiva

The mayic (illusory) force of energy is controlled by Lord Shiva. He is the husband of Maya Devi. He is perfect example of how man can live in the true world (spiritual) even when living on this illusory plane. We see many of Lord Shiva's paintings, in most of which He is shown either meditating or  Tandava pose . These are the two extreme forms of the Lord. They are highly significant and have many other interpretations as well. One of the interpretations when comparing these two forms hold relevance to the inner space of man. God has gifted man with immense potency. However, this potency is concealed by the veil of Lord Shiva's consort, Maya Devi. She is dutifully serving her husband. The job of Maya Devi is to serve her husband. Thus, she devotedly safeguards the meditative pose of Lord Shiva. In this state, Lord Shiva is in a state of Union . God is incomplete without his devotees. To be full thus, He maintains the well being of His loved devotees. In other words, he ...

Relish this loving relationship...

Lord Shiva is the universal father. In this picture, the beauty of baby Krishna and the affectionate glance of Lord Shiva (like a father) is captured effectively. This depicts a scene from the Krishna-Lila, where Lord Shiva disguises as a 'baba' to bless the divine Baby Krishna. In fact, this was just a 'reason'  to relish the ambrosia that flows from the divine form of God. Both Shiva and Krishna cannot live without each other. They are devoted to each other in a loving bond. Shiva disguising as a Brahman signifies the depth in their love for each other. Even in a helpless condition, where baby Krishna is bound by the love of his mother, Yashoda, He makes it a point to meet Shiva. Unlike material love, the relation of the two are not bound by the form. Their expression of love is independent of their form they assume.  Lord Shiva made it easier by disguising Himself as a Brahman as this drew mother Yashoda to bring her infant to seek His (Brahman's) divine b...

Sweet words are poisonous.

Men with sweet words are the most poisonous. This is because excess of sweetness (or anything else), leads to a disaster. People who have learnt the art of winning minds with sweet words are driven by the mind to accomplish their self- centric goals. This is because, even though man does not mean what he says, he simply says it. This is flattery. It is an art of fooling others conveniently to achieve the purpose. The projection of the world is always contrasting to what they are. This indicates the everlasting craving for happiness. Also it means that man has not reached the state of enjoyment. Or perhaps his mental speculation of happiness always seems unreachable. This is the reason we see, people around slogging day and night to achieve their goals which is supposed to be the source of happiness. On the path lead by the mind, in the pursuit of happiness draws untruth to walk in parallel. This is the first mistake. We use unfair means to accomplish our goals. Our soul, which i...

Learn to get rid of attachment !

Indeed, attachment is the most dangerous of all vices. It is not easy to forget our loved ones so easily. Without, attachment a man no more remains in a state of distinguishing between friends, enemies and loved ones. Our loved ones, are an extension of our nature. We love them as they are related are connected within, not in the heart... in the mind. Our mind is the repository of all our unconscious nature where attachment too lies. It is the cave which has been coming with us since our many lifetimes. When we look at our dear ones, our mind triggers memories. These memories are just relished by man because he is attached to the emotion. Now, emotion is another form of attachment. This emotion towards loved one is purely an emotion being the subject and the object, the loved one has been changing from one life to another. Thus, 'memories' is just hallucination. Because, it is the emotion and not the person you are attached to. The person is just an object for your emo...

Destiny vs Optimism

If you are materialistic in nature, then think logically about this statement. As children, we let our minds lose. This has made us habituated to abide by the mind. Our decisions depend on the instructions of the mind.  But again think, is it worth listening to the mind which comes up with new plans all the time? When we are unable to meet thee first we jump to the second option.... and this cycle of changing from one plan to another continues. It is high time for us to realize that our mind is taking us for a ride. What it is actually doing is, it is pacifying you when you meet failure and clouds you with ambition when you reach success. Thus, optimism, which is characterizes the treachery of the mind to cheat oneself should be carefully noticed and handled. One should get rid of this cyclic habit if present  and avoid getting it in future. Begin to shield yourself now. The ride game is going overboard. It is fleeing from the presence which lands up in creating fantas...

How movies effect the mind?

Entertainment is a projection of the world created by our minds while art is an expression of the soul. Alas, man has included the term entertainment as art! This is a clear indication that man has been overtaken by his compulsions. Due to obsessive habits, he has forsaken his morals and core principles of life. In order to indulge in material activities man has entitled his actions as art. Anything that is pleasurable is entertainment. This causes the mind to subjugate oneself by muting the voice of the soul. Now, as no insight remains, man clings onto his habits leading to his downfall. Entertainment has been popularized by tagging it as art. In fact, this has been the major outlet which is one the reasons of man's downfall. Because man has now got an authorized platform to virtually perceive the mind. It is the mind which likes seeing its story onscreen. The mind feasts on his instincts via the senses. This creates more karmas, as the mind is hinged on to the activities w...

My Values, My loved ones.

The values of a spiritual man are in the people he loves. You might now think... 'But this is even applicable to a material man.' But,it is NOT. Love as expressed by a material man is a reflection of his mind. His love is another expression for his own insecurity and fear. He loves, to satisfy his needs and requirements.  Love towards his children to satisfy his Ego, towards his wife to satisfy his bodily and emotional requirements, towards his parents for mental well being, etc. On the other hand a spiritual man does not love anybody, neither his relatives nor friends. He bears a neutral vision towards everybody (friends, relatives, stranger, etc). He is not bound to the material expressions of love. He does not love a person but his qualities. He is not attracted by the physical beauty but the spiritual values . He loves the values within the person. Thus, another expression is that: The people he loves are embodiment of his values. They are the spiritual rep...

Material and Spiritual Man

Every person has his own set of insecurities and fear. In order to assure safety, the mind propels one to get into the world. This refers to a job for financial security which contributes to mental well being. So, man works to get money for himself and maintain his family. Thus, we are expecting the results before we are at the task. This marks a high state of ignorance, where the mind has subdued the intellect. A man in this state is no less than a machine which blindly follows the instructions of the user (or the mind). Where man is supposed to be the controller of the mind, the mind is controlling man. This is the characteristic of a material man. On the other hand, a spiritual man is driven by the will of God. He remains in a state of equilibrium due to the disconnection of the mind from his system. He remains unaffected by the so-called miseries, as perceived by worldly men. Because of his risen consciousness he is successful is identifying and eradicating the source of...