Is Technology Good For Spirituality?

Technology has its drawbacks, not by itself but due to us. Because it can do no harm if one seeks it with the right intention. Even matter has life. Although it is inefficient to express it, it does have consciousness. Let us understand this in depth For example: Technology is a wide platform that serves as a medium, different for different people. A business man can use technology for promoting or advertising while a student can use it for educational purposes. In other words, technology is a mere instrument that reflects our intentions or ideas. It presents us with only those avenues which suits us the most. It thus reciprocates by presenting a field suitable for us. Technology can be used to our favor only if we are focused and bear the right motive. If we use it as a source of entertainment we shall be presented with the dark world. Thus, it being matter can be used to enhance our inner abilities or otherwise. Technology has done wonders! It has widened the reach of spiritu...