Work to attain the Divine.

The Joy of work is hardly experienced by anyone today.

In fact it is the main source of stress in one's life. But why is it like that?

Since childhood, one is brought up in a competitive world. We have always looked at work as a source of income and profits. However, this is an incorrect way of looking at things and thus we are stressed about work.

Our stress is not due to the work but our own expectations associated to that work. We expect results even before we get onto working. This sort of an approach is assured to attract negativity (stress). We must let go our expectations, the root cause of our miseries.

Work is a great medium to work on one's frailties.

Working sincerely is a sign of being committed to God Himself. Applying the principles of Karma Yoga is the first step towards experiencing the joy of work. Its very basis is to let go the results unto the Lord and work hard to your fullest ability. By doing so, we claim no ownership of the work and so we do not experience the baggage of stress.

We work simply to work and thus it reveals its true form. Work is worship. It is the Lord Himself. In fact, it is the most valid medium for man in Kaliyuga, to overcome ignorance. Work instills Godly qualities like patience, perseverance, detachment,  commitment, dedication and consistency. These are the qualities which help one spiritually progress.

One must abandon the material perspective of life and view the world with the spiritual lens. We must look at God's divine arrangement in every activity of our life. In our daily life, work is the most time consuming activity. If we change our attitude towards our work and look at it in the spiritual dimension, most part of our day will be dedicated as a service to God alone. No ignorance remains in that state and thus work becomes a medium to connect with God, whose very nature is joy and bliss.


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