Truth of Success

Success in the material world signifies excess wealth, fame, assets, high status in society, etc. But, look carefully! Every attribute of success can be overtaken by its opposites.
Wealth by Poverty, Fame by Disgrace, and Success (as a whole) by Failure.
A person, aiming to become successful is indeed shortsighted. People feel that success is the ultimate Goal of Life.
We must first understand the meaning of 'ultimate', before we conclude the 'Ultimate Goal of Life'.
Ultimate means superior or the goal with no comparisons. Going deeper to define it, brings us to the conclusion that, the ultimate goal of life is the one having no flipsides.

Our goal should be flawless, having no opposites unlike success. Successful people are never successful as everybody in this material world meet failure either in the social, intellectual, physical or emotional platform. Unless we leave the rat race, we can never be successful. True success is when you leave success as that was 'never success', 'it was failure'. This is extremely essential because we cannot achieve success when we hold onto failure.
True success is when we attain the flawless, superior of all, God. We must tread the path of spirituality which has its very origin in that success which otherwise is looked as failure by the failed (world).


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