True help.

It is true, nobody can be of any help. For any problem we face in life, we look at people for support. They can either be our friends, neighbors, parents or other relatives. 'Help' as a term conveys a vague responsibility. It is rather superficial. True 'help' means directing a person on the path of truth. Nowadays, help is regarded as an act of 'benevolence by mortals'. One must remember that mortals are incapable of helping anybody. In other words, they lack the capacity to help.

'Helping' is an act of selfishness or it is bit more complex. Today, help means comforting the other. 'Help' is considered only when it syncs with our personal thoughts,beliefs, likes, dislikes, experiences and notions. The things that do not suit us, is considered as an offence. 
For example: Helper for a corrupt politician, is the one who helps him loot maximum money. However, this act is unethical.

An act which can accelerate one's journey towards untruth, has no room in the spiritual domain. Thus, we should not abide by the definition of 'help' as defined by the world. Instead, we should seek true help.

If we want help, seek from within, as the guide rests there. He is the only one, who is beyond the evils of the world and is the epitome of genuineness. Only the one who leads you to the path of truth is a true helper, if not he is scheming his next plan.


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