Shiva and Ganesha

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It is interesting to note the difference in the nature of Lord Shankar and Lord Ganesha. Following the marriage of mother Parvati with Lord Shankar, mother Parvati created a child from the dust of Her transcendental body. The transcendental form of Ganesha bowed down before His mother and proceeded to take his first orders from Her. He was given the task of keeping the gates of Her chamber and restrict the entry of anyone into the chamber. After the Mother left, it so happened that Lord Shiva entered the scene. Lord Ganesha did not know His father at that time and hence did not permit Lord Shiva to enter the gates of the chamber of Devi Parvati. It did not necessitate Lord Shiva to seek anyone's permission to see His wife. He too did not recognize Ganesha. Although Lord Shiva initially tried to humbly approach little Ganesha and requested entry into the chamber, Lord Ganesha vehemently denied entry to the Master of the Universe, Lord Shiva.

After a while of cajoling, Lord Shiva finally lost His temper and took to His devastating form. There ensued a battle between the son and the father. With no options left, Lord Shiva finally beheaded Ganesha with His trident. On hearing the pandemonium, mother Parvati approached the scene to find Her dear son lying beheaded on the ground. Mother Parvati started to weep inconsolably at the sight and Lord Shiva felt it necessary to intervene and promised Devi Parvati of getting Her son back to life.

There is an interesting turn to the story when Lord Shiva questioned Devi Parvati on her authority to create a son without the involvement of the husband, although Devi Parvati was technically competent of producing a son on Her own. The benign Lord said that now when this son who will be brought back to life would have the body given by Devi Parvati but the head would be the father's contribution.

Ganesha, Ganesh, God, Pay, Religion, Meditation, India

Subsequently, Lord Ganesha was given the head of an elephant which is representative of Lord Shiva's contribution to the son's body. The "vigraha" (deity) of Lord Ganesha which is worshipped with pomp and splendor on earth today is that which has been jointly created by Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati. The difference in approach of Lord Ganesha and Lord Shiva is that which truly distinguishes an ideal son from an ideal father.

It was Lord Ganesha who was pitted against His own father following the order of His mother and got beheaded by the father and then there is Lord Shiva, who during the time of His marriage offers worship to His own son knowing well that he was taking the blessings of His son without questioning the sages who order Him to bow down before the deity of Lord Ganesha at the time of His wedding.


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