Why do we need a spiritual man today?

 A spiritual man is a man of truth. Following truth is his occupation and the contentment by following it is his salary. He requires nothing else for his survival. His boss is the Lord Himself. He takes the complete responsibility of his devotees. Therefore, a spiritual man is under the total care and protection of the Lord. He is personally associated with the master and therefore does not require the support of the world. The world, which is one among the trillions of other worlds created by his master, the Lord.

In fact, the inhabitants of the world require the support and guidance of spiritual beings. It is due to their mere presence that the world is in a state of equilibrium. We are dependent on each other for our survival. Be it financially, mentally, physically or emotionally, we are bound to one another for support. If any one factor goes out of place, trail of miseries follow it. This is because we aren’t seeking support at the right place. We depend on people who themselves are dependent on other people for their support.

For Example: Some people depend on their friends for employment, while they themselves depend on their bosses to remain employed.
Thus, we must depend on someone who is independent. But finding an independent being is impossible. Thus, the world needs spiritual beings, who know that independent person. Only they can introduce us to the true master who is independent and remains unaffected by the external circumstances unlike the mortals of the world.


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