Is politics service to nation?

Service in the Spiritual spectrum is synonymous to selflessness.The word service in the dictionary itself means working for the other. In the spiritual dialect it has nothing to with the other, but oneself. When we talk of service, we have a dual approach towards it, which distinguishes between the doer and the receiver. This means there is a difference made between the two, where one is superior than the other. This definition is that of the material world. The beholders of this so-called service are indeed politicians. They talk of promoting the country for the welfare of its people. Here, there is an ulterior motive. When one evaluates his service (to the nation in this case), know that he has never rendered any service. This is because there lies an expectation of fame and recognition. In a devious manner he succeeds in fooling the nation, as his selfish motives disguise themselves as benevolence.
If it was truly benevolence (service), it would not have been politics as all material progress under a leader is fueled by his own ambition.


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