Is Life and Living the same?

Living is a survival instinct. Whatever we do in order to survive falls under this category. 
For instance: Attending office to earn our bread.

Throughout our life, we try satisfying our insecurity of survival. Even animals do the same. Then how are we humans different from animals, in any way?

Humans are gifted with Intelligence. This separates us from animals. However, we have not used this weapon at all. Intelligence does not relate to the so-called intelligent people. In this world, we have incorrectly interpreted  all definitions. Intelligence in today's world is 'to perform better than the other'.
This conclusion of the world, revolves around living or survival. If this is the definition of intelligence then even animals who are better hunters than the other, are intelligent!
Thus, true intelligence can never be used or defined by the material world.
Intelligence is the language of the divine. This drives us to pursue the life beyond living, our true life. We have been living since lifetimes together, but now, we must become conscious.This paves the way for LIFE.

Life cannot be experienced with continuing our 'unconscious' living as it is a result of 'conscious' living.
Just as happiness cannot be experience while in sorrow, life is supreme joy which cannot be experience while living which is the repository of fear and misery.


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