What is our next Birth?

We have ignored God throughout our lives. Instead of utilizing our precious human birth to achieve the highest goal, we choose to pursue degraded professions that involve our mind. The one who has directed his senses towards material comforts and pleasures is the most unfortunate.
What is the use of this human body, if we live like animals. We do not deserve this gift, as we satisfy our mind.

Instead of 'transforming this animalistic mind' into 'divine' we, 'the divine' are transforming into 'animals'. This human birth is perhaps our last chance to realize the true goal of life. If we do not hinge onto spiritual discipline now, we shall surely be cursed with an animal body. This is because it is the most suitable body for our ill bred mind. If we refuse to bear sanity by adopting spiritual discipline, then we shall continue to enter the lower domains of consciousness. This cycle will take us farther from our goal until we are granted the Human Body. But, remember this opportunity solely depends on God's Grace.

God's Grace is seldom received, if we misuse His priceless gift, the human body. But, alas! we continue to live like animals even after receiving His grace. Then surely, we shall receive the animal body for the lives after death.


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