
Self is our source, the beginning of who or what we are. It is Truth which seeks to be personified in our form. However around that self, due to the covering of ignorance, is built, the ego, that gives us our false identity. The false identity is what gives rise to "selfishness", a separateness that thrives on acquiring and conquering. It creates a divide between "you" and "me". The Ego is that which is fishy that veils the True "I", the self. The need for survival and "Might is Right" phenomenon has been established by the False-Ego.

The day man realizes the undercurrent of the Ego, that thrives on conquering and separating, he shall have found the way towards his own happiness. It is the ego that creates discord in ourself and in society. However, the ego cannot be identified and fought with, directly, since it is now an inseparable part of us. It is only through rigorous spiritual routine can one weed out the Ego, the fishy thing.

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