The Downfall of Human Intelligence

Life presents itself in variegated hues. It means different for different people and there is no similarity whatsoever in the many perceptions that people have about their own views and experience of life. Although, one may seem to agree with others' views of life and even appreciate other's life, there still appears to be no similarity between two experiences of life from two different standpoints. Having said that, one is continuously trying to learn, enrich and organize one's life by trying to make sense of the other's life.This is indeed an intriguing paradox although common sense tells us that each one of the seven billion people breathing the same air on the planet has seven billion distinct life-experiences. There never was and there can never be any similarity even amongst two lives, to keep it to the minimum. A man has an in-built appetite to learn and grow although he has not really figured out a consistent mechanism for the learning process itself. The learning process in itself is involuntary and consciousness of man is being shaped today mostly unconsciously.

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The Vedic phenomenon which was especially prevalent until about two thousand years ago in India had sufficiently expounded the philosophy of "Developing Matured Intelligence" through the texts such as the Puranas and Vedanta. Itihasas or the "History of facts" in the form of Mahabharata and Ramayana have woven within themselves, all the possibilities within human consciousness and carry at their core the impeccable genetic code of the "Ideal Species". However as time passed by, the dilution of the pure species such as the four Varnas (Providential societal divisions) namely "Brahmins","Kshatriyas", "Vaishyas" and "Shudras" happened through inter-caste marriages, to the level that foreign influences further triggered the deterioration of the distinctive human species. 


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