Can spirituality become dogma?

We are unable to relish our true nature,which is the source of all happiness. It is beyond the momentary pleasure we seek in the material world. In order to be established in this state, it is obligatory to wipe the ignorance of our mind. This sets us, on taking up spiritual discipline. However, it is our own 'free-will' that will drive us to pursue these practices. It cannot be imitated or imposed on the other as these practices fructify with respect to your commitment and dedication. It is solely your commitment that illuminates your path, from the dark world around you till you reach the abode of light.
When these spiritual practices are enforced, naturally one follows them dogmatically. This is because it is not accepted as the ultimate reality and is followed as a mere rule. Following rules are torturous and hence, spirituality, for such people results in a  similar experience.
This is indeed ignorance of the highest kind, as one leaves the source of all happiness and ventures in the external world to find it.


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