We live in hell...

The Goal of society is to attain perfection. However, society is not helping an individual personally. It instead instills fear and insecurity.

A simple example: Parents force children to go to school due to society. In this process, if we see carefully, we form a part of society. If we never belonged to the society why would we ever fear the external world, in terms of our reputation and status.

Our society today, has forgotten its goals. The goal of education is to make an individual knowledgeable and not competitive.

Everybody is interested in the output or marks and not the knowledge. Society has made one highly identified with the ignorant self. This means, one's living revolves around the satisfaction of the ego.

This environment brings about competitive spirits in children, envy in adults and anxiety in the old.

Children are unconsciously competing with their classmates instead of learning from them. Adults at work are envious of their junior and seniors instead of appreciating their work, exchanging knowledge and learning from each other. In old-age we remain anxious for our children and grandchildren's performance in society.

Our competitive nature is like the dogs running for the bone. Our way of living is highly materialistic. Look deep inside and see.

But we do nothing, as we remain content and assume this lifestyle to be the authentic way of living. Helping others is thus, foolishness as one is unable to help oneself. Now,if you've realized that society is that hell where animals dwell, don't look back at that society ever. Not even to help it out, your efforts will go in vain.

Help yourself out, as that has been our only concern throughout life.


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