Peaks of Surrender

Most of us are under the false belief that we are leading a life. This is because all our perception of life is viewed from different angles. Or simply, we all have a different experiences of life.
Life is an esoteric subject. If we tread to unravel life without guidance, we will be doomed. As we bear negativity in our mind the projection of life too, will be distorted. Thus, we shall surrender to the mentor, or guru who in turn is surrendered to the Lord. Then our journey towards excavating life shall be supported by spiritual vigor. 

A baby monkey claps its mother, fearing that it shouldn't be let alone while its mother hunts. We are these fearful monkeys who clasp onto the material world, which in turn like the mother monkey does not care for us.

On the other hand, a kitten takes no effort for its survival. In fact, it does not even move from its spot as it is confident that its mother will maintain it.
This is the peaks of surrender. If we surrender without any expectations, we shall graciously be looked after by our universal father. But, if we continue to depend on the material world, we shall be left like the abandoned monkey whose mother cares for nobody other than herself.
We must target to become a kitten and not remain a monkey.


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