Faith: The policy of Spirituality

Faith is the most important quality for a spiritual aspirant. This is because its very meaning  is dicey. Faith means having no personal existence or in other words,  complete dependence. The very policy of spirituality is to forsake oneself. The 'self' in this context refers to the false identification to the body and mind.

In the material platform, we are recognized by our name which can be changed, possessions which can be lost or the body which can perish. In this very world we have no permanence. We cannot find permanence in the minds of people nor our body can be maintained to the extent of achieving permanence. Everything in this material platform changes with time, place and circumstances. The past becomes ancient and after a point is forgotten. This is the case with all tenses of time.
Everything changes with the wheel of time. But however, there is something that remains constantly, because of which one comes to the conclusion of - impermanence in this world. There is somebody who is a witness to all happenings in this world.
He is the celebrated unknowable whose expansiveness cannot be contained within our constrictive mind. Only faith can align us to that Supreme Consciousness.

Let us understand this with the help of an example:
To meet a renowned personality, you must first go through his assistants and have faith on what they report to you. Based on their advice you fix an appointment and wait for the response.

In this transaction the most crucial element is faith. Without having faith on the assistants, things might have never moved further.
Thus, our journey towards the Supreme Conscience can only be accomplished by having faith in His assistants who are none other than the scriptures, truth personified. The appointment you fix is the spiritual practices you perform and the approval is your final destination.


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