Honesty and Integrity

Since childhood, one is told to be honest. But nobody tells you a methodology as to how to be honest. However, we try becoming honest by ourselves, without any guidance. This made-up honesty is not honesty as its foundation is not lit up by spiritual light. Only where spirituality resides, spiritual qualities reside. Thus, as even mundane men and women become so-called honest people, there remains no value for honesty.

Instead, it is nothing more than a bonus for material success. It adds in no value to your inner being and is thus incapable of being addressed as spiritual. Spiritual honesty (in this context) is nothing other than integrity. It is the step stone to spirituality. In fact, integrity marks the spiritual journey of man. It is the quality held at a very high pedestal by our enlightened masters.
Because, it makes one realize the power of spiritual discipline and futility of life without it. Thus where honesty is preached in this world, in the spiritual realm there is nothing other than integrity.
It is the supreme inbuilt character of an elevated being.


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