No Love, Only Opportunism.

Love covers a very small dimension of life as it is dependent on the principle: if you do for me, I love you. This can be justified. For instance, taking loan to buy a new house for your spouse, missing extra classes to spend time with your friends, etc.

In all these transaction, it is opportunism veiled as love. Notice and you will see it. We are all oblivious of this fact.

On introspecting we shall find that we never loved our children for scoring that marks in the examination, but because they made us feel proud about it or
I did not organize that party because I was happy for my child, but only because I got an opportunity to praise myself as a deserving parent.

We all are duplicitous in our dealings even with our close ones. God on the other hand is free from these frailties. He is the only entity who can love. Should we not become capable of loving to experience that love? We must start by, accepting that we are incapable of loving or receiving love from anybody.

Thus, we must look upon God as the only shelter where his acceptance, grace, care, everything is the form of unconditional love or true love. No other mortal is capable of this vastness and expression of love and care as God does.


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