Spiritual man and society...

Man since the very beginning is prone to ownership. He works hard in order to get recognition in society. In that process, he lets go off his own morals and values. Forsaking his own beliefs, he deliberately accepts the trending beliefs of society. Being so ignorantly committed to the material world notches him a reputable status in society. Now wearing the garb of society he becomes synonymous to it. Regarding him means regarding society. He becomes so strongly identified with society that there remains no existence without it. This is the characteristic of a highly materialistic man.

In contrast to an ignorant man, a spiritual man treads the path of truth. He does not let go off his moral principles and values at any cost. His commitment to the truth makes him stand out as a unique individual. Truth itself, shields him from the negative forces of the world. He remains devoid of attachments and the bondage of the world. 

Society being the whereabouts of highly ignorant beings perishes in the presence of a truly spiritual man, bee it even a spiritual society. A spiritual society is formed due to the collective consciousness of people. A society of any sort symbolizes ignorance. Wherever you find people interacting, be certain that they are bound to the feeling of ownership, perhaps in a subtle form.

Spirituality is a journey traveled alone. No society or organization comes along. It is the journey towards the self, where there is no third person except the lord and you. If incase there is a third person, be rest assure that you haven’t yet begun your spiritual journey. As the third person is the projection of your mind.


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