Our senses are illusive.

.        It is not uncommon that our senses have many a times deceived us. Their most prominent characteristic is that they become weak with time. Degradation of senses is the law of nature. It is inevitable. Though, our senses become powerless with age, the desire to enjoy the world grows stronger. Fear of death, disease and old-age overpower our mind, thereby fanning our instinctive nature. Due to insecurities, our perception to view reality the way it is, diminishes. We start viewing the world with the lens of our insecurities. We feel victimized by every event happening in the world.

This is the state when we do not tame our senses from childhood. It causes constant misery and makes one feel insecure. These feelings are not bound to any age in particular. It is applicable for all those beings who are subjugated by the power of the senses. When man becomes a slave of his senses he is surely deceived by them. This is because, the senses are the employees of the mind. The very nature of mind is to drive man towards illusion and senses aid to this task. Thus, any projection of the senses be it seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting or touching, it is all illusive.

An interesting example that reinstates that the seeing is illusive:
The eyes get attracted to the sight of a beautiful woman or a handsome man. But when the same man or woman is inflicted by a horrifying disease, it starts detesting the very sight of the person. It fails to understand that the external beauty of the person is momentary. Unaware of this fact it gets captivated by the illusive beauty of the person who in fact is composed of blood, flesh and bones.


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