
Showing posts from September, 2019

Soul Energy

Energy is the source of life. Our life is very expansive. In our daily lives itself we meet people with different consciousness. You might sense the change in the vibration around you. This may be positive or negative. But, all these vibrations are minor compared to the vast soul power/ energy that drives our lives. Without it we cannot sustain. It is the life force or Prana, which emanates from the soul to keep us alive. Its vast auric field is extremely potent. The soul energy is the source of all energies. Positivity and Negativity rests within the mind. Thus the experience of positive and negative energies around us is just the projection of the mind. It does not exist in the external platform but it is within our mind. They come under the creations of the mind. It will only exist till there exists an active mind. To overcome this dichotomy between positive and negative energies we must raise to experience the soul energy which is free from all contrasting elements. It is th...

Honesty and Integrity

Since childhood, one is told to be honest. But nobody tells you a methodology as to how to be honest. However, we try becoming honest by ourselves, without any guidance. This made-up honesty is not honesty as its foundation is not lit up by spiritual light. Only where spirituality resides, spiritual qualities reside.  Thus, as even mundane men and women become so-called honest people, there remains no value for honesty. Instead, it is nothing more than a bonus for material success. It adds in no value to your inner being and is thus incapable of being addressed as spiritual. Spiritual honesty (in this context) is nothing other than integrity. It is the step stone to spirituality. In fact, integrity marks the spiritual journey of man. It is the quality held at a very high pedestal by our enlightened masters. Because, it makes one realize the power of spiritual discipline and futility of life without it. Thus where honesty is preached in this world, in the spiritual realm there...

Relation of Goodness and Hypocrisy.

Goodness and Hypocrisy seem to have no relation. However, they are deeply interconnected. These two qualities take birth in one's mind. The mind is habituated to manipulate situations according to its own whims and fancies. It uses the weapon of goodness to achieve its ' selfish motives '. This makes 'goodness' a growing craze among people today. Bearing dubious personality  tarnishes the character of a person. This means that projecting 'goodness' for selfishness (or satisfaction of one's ulterior motives) brings about hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is the act of murdering our conscience. Our inner voice is heavily clouded by goodness, which in turn is rooted in selfishness. Thus, goodness instigates one to verily shun the voice of our conscience. We estrange from the path of truth and hold onto goodness. Under the garb of Goodness, we can easily win the hearts of the immoral as flattery is its addon. What is the use of this goodness that can direct one towa...

True help.

It is true, nobody can be of any help. For any problem we face in life, we look at people for support. They can either be our friends, neighbors, parents or other relatives. 'Help' as a term conveys a vague responsibility. It is rather superficial. True 'help' means directing a person on the path of truth. Nowadays, help is regarded as an act of 'benevolence by mortals'. One must remember that mortals are incapable of helping anybody. In other words, they lack the capacity to help. 'Helping' is an act of selfishness or it is bit more complex. Today, help means comforting the other. 'Help' is considered only when it syncs with our personal thoughts,beliefs, likes, dislikes, experiences and notions. The things that do not suit us, is considered as an offence.  For example: Helper for a corrupt politician, is the one who helps him loot maximum money. However, this act is unethical. An act which can accelerate one's journey towards untrut...

Yet trying hard!

Trying, Trying and Trying, we continually try achieving happiness. We abandon our interests and accept the likes and dislikes of the world. But, have you ever wondered, why we ever did such a  foolish  thing? Well, it is foolish. This is because we are trying to create an identity in the world where we do not belong. Simply, when life hits one, we feel lonely and alone. We can never create an impact in this world. Realize that, creating an impact leaves us unhappy whereas our goal is happiness. Starting the journey towards material success, with full zest and enthusiasm lands us in the threshold of old-age. All changes around us are inevitable. We can neither change it nor be a part of it. True happiness is not in this world.  Everything we think to be happiness leaves a contrasting effect. The joy we are seeking outside  does not exist there . Name any- success, money, family, joy, society... Ultimately, everything leads to grief and misery. We can n...

What is our next Birth?

We have ignored God throughout our lives. Instead of utilizing our precious human birth to achieve the highest goal, we choose to pursue degraded professions that involve our mind. The one who has directed his senses towards material comforts and pleasures is the most unfortunate. What is the use of this human body, if we live like animals. We do not deserve this gift, as we satisfy our mind. Instead of 'transforming this animalistic mind' into 'divine' we, 'the divine' are transforming into 'animals'. This human birth is perhaps our last chance to realize the true goal of life. If we do not hinge onto spiritual discipline now, we shall surely be cursed with an animal body. This is because it is the most suitable body for our ill bred mind. If we refuse to bear sanity by adopting spiritual discipline, then we shall continue to enter the lower domains of consciousness. This cycle will take us farther from our goal until we are granted the Human Body...

Peaks of Surrender

Most of us are under the false belief that we are leading a life. This is because all our perception of life is viewed from different angles. Or simply, we all have a different experiences of life. Life is an esoteric subject. If we tread to unravel life without guidance, we will be doomed. As we bear negativity in our mind the projection of life too, will be distorted. Thus, we shall surrender to the mentor, or guru who in turn is surrendered to the Lord. Then our journey towards excavating life shall be supported by spiritual vigor.  A baby monkey claps its mother, fearing that it shouldn't be let alone while its mother hunts. We are these fearful monkeys who clasp onto the material world, which in turn like the mother monkey does not care for us. On the other hand, a kitten takes no effort for its survival. In fact, it does not even move from its spot as it is confident that its mother will maintain it. This is the peaks of surrender. If we surrender without any expect...

Truth of Success

Success in the material world signifies excess wealth, fame, assets, high status in society, etc. But, look carefully! Every attribute of success can be overtaken by its opposites. Wealth by Poverty, Fame by Disgrace, and Success (as a whole) by Failure. A person, aiming to become successful is indeed shortsighted. People feel that success is the ultimate Goal of Life. We must first understand the meaning of 'ultimate', before we conclude the 'Ultimate Goal of Life'. Ultimate means superior or the goal with no comparisons. Going deeper to define it, brings us to the conclusion that, the ultimate goal of life is the one having no flipsides. Our goal should be flawless, having no opposites unlike success. Successful people are never successful as everybody in this material world meet failure either in the social, intellectual, physical or emotional platform. Unless we leave the rat race, we can never be successful. True success is when you leave success as that w...

Wonders of Surrender.

When a student learns Mathematics (for example), he is assured to make mistakes. This is because he has not understood the subject completely. In order to understand the subject, the student works hard,under the guidance of a teacher. Now, this is a crucial point that decides the student's future. If the student submits himself to the teacher and accepts the teachings, by shunning away his own infinitesimal understanding of the subject then he is assured to succeed. But, if the student independently takes charge of acquiring knowledge,he is going nowhere. Now think as to what this example means in relation to our own life? We face problems in life, due to the mind. Our mind (which is the source of all problems) takes ownership of guiding us through life. This is the biggest of all problems! But spiritual discipline shall enable us to break through this problem. We are inflicted by our own thoughts (problems), produced by the mind and hence need to be treated immediately. ...

Is Life and Living the same?

Living is a survival instinct. Whatever we do in order to survive falls under this category.  For instance: Attending office to earn our bread. Throughout our life, we try satisfying our insecurity of survival. Even animals do the same. Then how are we humans different from animals, in any way? Humans are gifted with Intelligence. This separates us from animals. However, we have not used this weapon at all. Intelligence does not relate to the so-called intelligent people. In this world, we have incorrectly interpreted  all definitions. Intelligence in today's world is 'to perform better than the other'. This conclusion of the world, revolves around living or survival. If this is the definition of intelligence then even animals who are better hunters than the other, are intelligent! Thus, true intelligence can never be used or defined by the material world. Intelligence is the language of the divine. This drives us to pursue the life beyond living, our true life. ...

Are you really respected?

Although respect and esteem may seem synonymous a thin line separates one from the other. It is the line of reality. Everything that can be perceived within the range of our senses is thought to be real. For many IT  IS REAL. Respect is a worldly term, which has complete relevance in this illusive world, but esteem is rooted in the self, or pure conscience. We can demand respect but not esteem. Esteem comes from within, from the soul. Respect is temporary and changes with people and time. Some people may give you respect today but it may not be relevant tomorrow. On the other hand, esteem is not dependent on the external world at all. It is our own nature. Seeking respect symbolizes foolishness because our conception of respect is false. Remember, nobody respects the other, it is selfishness that disguises as respect. A simple example: A manager respects his boss but when the post are interchanged, the latter respects the former. This is because it was not respect but sheer se...

World is alien to me.

The term secular diversity relates to a world of freedom. It points out freedom from all bindings of religion, cast, etc. This is extremely beneficial for a developing world, but is it really followed by people today? This is a hard question indeed. Is there true equality in this world? Have you ever been equal to all and allowed freedom of action, speech and thought to the other? Have you internally accepted the principle you propagate? If not, leave following it but also forget about preaching it to others. The question is simple: "Have you accepted what you preach from your heart and soul or are you doing it dogmatically, for society?" You can decide the answer for yourself if you belong to such a society. If not, never ever fall prey to this preaching. In this very illusory world,there are many more illusive plans laid by people. All these concepts of freedom, equality, etc starts in this illusory world and just entangle further in the traps devised by the mind. T...

Shiva and Ganesha

It is interesting to note the difference in the nature of Lord Shankar and Lord Ganesha. Following the marriage of mother Parvati with Lord Shankar, mother Parvati created a child from the dust of Her transcendental body. The transcendental form of Ganesha bowed down before His mother and proceeded to take his first orders from Her. He was given the task of keeping the gates of Her chamber and restrict the entry of anyone into the chamber. After the Mother left, it so happened that Lord Shiva entered the scene. Lord Ganesha did not know His father at that time and hence did not permit Lord Shiva to enter the gates of the chamber of Devi Parvati. It did not necessitate Lord Shiva to seek anyone's permission to see His wife. He too did not recognize Ganesha. Although Lord Shiva initially tried to humbly approach little Ganesha and requested entry into the chamber, Lord Ganesha vehemently denied entry to the Master of the Universe, Lord Shiva. After a while of cajoling, ...

Existence of Gods

An interesting anecdote in the Manas is related to the marriage of Bhagawan Shankar. The sages requested Lord Shankar to take the blessings of Lord Ganesha at the time of His marriage to mother Parvati! This appears astonishing. How could the son of Lord Shiva and Parvati exist before the meeting of His own parents and be present in the form of an idol to bless His own parents? It is said in the Manas that Lord Shiva and mother Parvati very happily performed Ganesha Puja (worship) before tying the nuptial knots! Goswami Tulsidas says: "Muni anusäsaì ganapatihi püjeu saàbhu bhaväni | kou suni sansay karainjani anädi jiyeì jäni (Manas: Bälkäìòa: Verse 1: Stanza: 100) One can ask how this is possible. Lord Ganesha can only be born after the marriage of Lord Shiva and mother Parvati; to which Goswamiji replies that no one should doubt this statement since all the Devatas of the Vedic pantheon are "Anädi" or eternal in nature. There can be no chronology what...

Can spirituality become dogma?

We are unable to relish our true nature,which is the source of all happiness. It is beyond the momentary pleasure we seek in the material world. In order to be established in this state, it is obligatory to wipe the ignorance of our mind. This sets us, on taking up spiritual discipline. However, it is our own 'free-will' that will drive us to pursue these practices. It cannot be imitated or imposed on the other as these practices fructify with respect to your commitment and dedication. It is solely your commitment that illuminates your path, from the dark world around you till you reach the abode of light. When these spiritual practices are enforced, naturally one follows them dogmatically. This is because it is not accepted as the ultimate reality and is followed as a mere rule. Following rules are torturous and hence, spirituality, for such people results in a  similar experience. This is indeed ignorance of the highest kind, as one leaves the source of all happiness an...

Is politics service to nation?

Service in the Spiritual spectrum is synonymous to selflessness.The word service in the dictionary itself means working for the other. In the spiritual dialect it has nothing to with the other, but oneself. When we talk of service, we have a dual approach towards it, which distinguishes between the doer and the receiver. This means there is a difference made between the two, where one is superior than the other. This definition is that of the material world. The beholders of this so-called service are indeed politicians. They talk of promoting the country for the welfare of its people. Here, there is an ulterior motive. When one evaluates his service (to the nation in this case), know that he has never rendered any service. This is because there lies an expectation of fame and recognition. In a devious manner he succeeds in fooling the nation, as his selfish motives disguise themselves as benevolence. If it was truly benevolence (service), it would not have been politics as all mate...

Manu & Shatarupa (Boon and Grace)- Part-2

On having the vision of the divine couple,  Manu and Shatarupa also feasted their eyes endearingly on Srimati Sitadevi's countenance. Understanding the heart of His dear devotees, the Lord continued, "The one who stands by my side is my better half, Adishakti, the Mother of the universe. She is the creative force who has given rise to this phenomenal world. When I appear as your son, even Srimati Sita will incarnate." Saying so, the kind Lord and the Universal mother disappeared. We, as devotees of the Supreme Lord, commit ourselves to the knowledge of mother Sita, whose description as the mother of the universe at the time of His appearance as the Lord of Manu and Shatarupa was quite different as compared to the mother's appearance as the daughter of King Janaka. Although the Lord introduced Srimati Sitadevi as "Maya" or His creative force, He knew the heart of his devotees, Manu and Shatarupa, who also wanted the presence of the Mother in their lives...

Manu & Shatarupa (The Goal of Life) - Part -1

There is a description in the Puranas that Maharaja Manu (The first son of Lord Brahma created for the proliferation of the world) was the ruler of the universe during the period of infancy of the world. In spite of ruling the world with the utmost feeling of surrender and dedication, he still bred a feeling in his heart that he has not yet achieved the goal of life for which he was sent to this world of mortals. This thought continued to gnaw him. He started thus nurturing a deep yearning for a "darshan" (Divine Vision) of the Supreme Lord. In all his endeavors his better half Devi Shatarupa was a constant factor of his association. With the desire of having a darshan of the Lord, Maharaja Manu along with his loyal wife departed to the forest of Naimisharanya at the sunset of his life having handed over the affairs of his kingdom to his son Uttanapada. The couple regularly bathed in the holy river Gomati and took the association of the saints in the forest and heard...

Srimati Sitadevi- ( Intelligence) -Part2

Normally in the world, a female if first qualified as someone's daughter, then progressively identified as someone's wife and then gets promoted as someone's mother. In an earlier stanza in the Manas (Ramcharitamanas), Goswami Tulsidas follows this pattern while qualifying Mother Parvati. Jæ Jæ girbaå räj kisoré Jæ maheñ mukù chand chakori Jæ gajbadaì çaòäëaë mätä (Mänas: Bälakänòa Verse:234-235) "You are the Mountain Himalayas' daughter. You are the moon-brilliance (wife) of Lord Shankar's resplendent face and You are the mother of the divine siblings Lord Kartikeya and Lord Ganapathy. However, when Goswamiji went on to describe Srimati Sitadevi, he did not observe this decorum of description. We come to gather that Goswamiji deliberately broke the decorum to drive home a highly insightful thought. While surrendering to the feet of Kishoriji (Seeta Devi) (Srimati Sitadevi), Goswami Tulsidas says "Jäsu krupäì nirmal mati pävauì|...

Srimati Sitadevi- (Universe)- Part1

Janaka sutä jag janani jänaké | atisay priya karunänidhän ké | Täkay jug pad kamal manävaüì| jäsu kåupä nirmal maté pävaüì | Puni man bachaì kaåm raghunäyak | bhagat bipati bhaìjaì sukhadäyak | Girä aratha jal béchi sama kahiata bhiììa na bhiììa| Baìdauì sétäräm pad jiìhhéì parama priya khiììa | (Manas: Balkanda Verse: 17) The following descriptions are dedicated to the mother of the universe Srimati Sitadevi who is the Supreme Lord Ramchandra's creative force. Without the mercy of the mother of the universe, the platform for expression of life can never exist. Sitadevi is often addressed as "Jagat Janani" or one who is the mother of the universe, the female creative force of existence. In the above verses from the Balkanda of the Manas (Ramcharitamanas), Srimati Sitadevi is first addressed as the daughter of King Janaka (An epithet for King Videha that means the benefactor of the common man). Goswami Tulsidas in the above verse bows to the da...

Security and Stability

A man in delusion is a man under the complete care of the mind. Mind is the parent of all ignorant beings. Its only job is to drive man away from truth and God. It shows no interest in spiritual discipline and the ideals of life. A delusive mind is guided by such a mind. Be it in any age, mind has made man feel independent. But, when mind fails to drive our sense organs in its direction, it falters. Then due to insecurity, man starts seeking support and care from the world around. Ignorance because it is under the false impression that the world can provide care and security. This is false indeed! A man, (whose senses are materially charged) himself is not able to become stable as he is a mere pawn in the arena of Time. Then how can such a man ever help the other? A delusive man can never overcome his state as he is seeking help from illusion. He seeks help from that illusion which is the source of all delusions.


Integrity is a divine quality. It cannot be used to express the corrupted, mundane feelings of the material world. Integrity is not tainted by the dark mind and is thus a home to light. It is dignified by being one of the most essential qualities in a spiritual being. Integrity is priceless. Just like, sapphire puts other stones to shame, Integrity dominates over the immoral. We can achieve this only when we consciously work on our unconscious layers. The dawn of integrity is marked at the end of all evil. Thus, a man of integrity can never be effected by evil as truth is by his side. Integrity cannot stand ignorance unlike goodness and loyalty. The latter comprise of grey shade, but integrity does not. It demands complete transparency in dealings, if not it is not integrity. Stealthiness, ignorance, ego and the six vices fail to combat it. It possesses unique power as it is rooted in truth and the essence of all the Vedas, Dharma.

Faith: The policy of Spirituality

Faith is the most important quality for a spiritual aspirant. This is because its very meaning  is dicey. Faith means having no personal existence or in other words,  complete dependence. The very policy of spirituality is to forsake oneself. The 'self' in this context refers to the false identification to the body and mind. In the material platform, we are recognized by our name which can be changed, possessions which can be lost or the body which can perish. In this very world we have no permanence. We cannot find permanence in the minds of people nor our body can be maintained to the extent of achieving permanence. Everything in this material platform changes with time, place and circumstances. The past becomes ancient and after a point is forgotten. This is the case with all tenses of time. Everything changes with the wheel of time. But however, there is something that remains constantly, because of which one comes to the conclusion of - impermanence in this world. T...

Ramacharitmanas and evolution of Makind

Every attempt has been made by Saints and Sages to keep alive the blueprint of "idealistic living" through stories from the Ramayana and Mahabharata. The devotional mellow of the Ramayana is expressed in the Ramcharitamanas by Goswami Tulsidas where the fervor of Bhakti is at its very heart. The Vedic expositions claim that it is only Bhakti that will help mankind evolve in consciousness with Jnana (Knowledge) and Karma (Detached action) at the backdrop. The Ramcharitamanas is that version of Ramayana which is suffused intensely with the fervor of Bhakti. When one intently reads this work or listens to it with surrender, mellows of devotion trigger thereby, washing away the dross of flawed character within the heart of the listener/reader. Ramcharitamanas comprises of seven kandas or seven cantos, each depicting the various stages of life, Lord Rama being the central character. It highlights the duties of an ideal son, brother, husband and an ideal king. Sri Rama...

The Downfall of Human Intelligence

Life presents itself in variegated hues. It means different for different people and there is no similarity whatsoever in the many perceptions that people have about their own views and experience of life. Although, one may seem to agree with others' views of life and even appreciate other's life, there still appears to be no similarity between two experiences of life from two different standpoints. Having said that, one is continuously trying to learn, enrich and organize one's life by trying to make sense of the other's life.This is indeed an intriguing paradox although common sense tells us that each one of the seven billion people breathing the same air on the planet has seven billion distinct life-experiences. There never was and there can never be any similarity even amongst two lives, to keep it to the minimum.  A man has an in-built appetite to learn and grow although he has not really figured out a consistent mechanism for the learning process itself. The...