You are missing out on this!

Spirituality is a personal choice. A very concentrated subject, it cannot be followed by many. However, today we find hordes of people calling themselves as spiritualists! According to them, following an institution or an organizations can notch them being called spiritual seekers. This is a farce and not the reality. Spirituality is not for herds.

Just enrolling in a school does not make you a student. Studying and practicing what the school teaches is what makes you a student.

Therefore, just by belonging to a particular spiritual organization is no good achievement. It is a delusion. You are no devotee, in that sense. What makes you a devotee is what you practice even without the institution. But, today institutions are convincing people a free ride to self attainment not by encouraging practices but by promoting the organizations. This is impossible.

Attaining enlightenment is not a mass attainment, but a personal. You do not connect with the people around, but one has to connect with oneself, their inner spirit. In spiritual organizations, sadly,we are not taught the importance of spiritual practice and discipline. We are missing out on a lot of essentials if we are bound to a place or a community.


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